Free VA Claims Assistance
Our Veterans Assistance Department has over 10 years of experience helping mesothelioma patients and their loved ones file and appeal VA claims.

Get the Benefits You Deserve
How We Help Veterans
The claims agents in our Veterans Department understand firsthand how the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs makes decisions about your benefits. We hear from veterans who need help dealing with the VA and their medical benefits. We also inform veterans about their eligibility for additional financial assistance and medical benefits.
We Are Asbestos Claims ExpertsWe've spent years helping veterans affected by asbestos. That experience gives us a better understanding of what the VA needs from you to secure your benefits.
We Get You Maximum BenefitsDid you know the VA outlines specific escalating benefits for someone with an asbestos-related illness? We do.
We Ensure Treatment at the VAOur claims agents have relationships with mesothelioma experts at VA hospitals across the country and can find the best doctor for you.
We Appeal Denied ClaimsJust because the VA has denied a claim doesn't mean you can never get benefits. We specialize in helping veterans win their appeals.
I was diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma in April 2012. I entered the necessary information at your website, and within three hours, I had a call back. With your help, I was able to file my VA claim within two weeks.
What VA Benefits Can I Receive?
Veterans are eligible for a number of financial and treatment benefits from the VA. Those benefits vary depending on your level of disability and your particular disease.
Disability CompensationMany veterans qualify for financial assistance because of a disability, and the benefits for disabilities can change over time. We can make sure you're getting what you deserve.
VA Health CareSome VA hospitals specialize in the latest mesothelioma treatment and are especially willing to treat veterans diagnosed with the disease.
Dependency & Indemnity CompensationWe help many surviving spouses and dependent children of veterans who died from a service-connected disability obtain this benefit.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How Do I Get My Benefits?
Veterans are eligible for a number of financial and treatment benefits from the VA. Those benefits vary depending on your level of disability and your particular disease.
- How Do I File?
Contact us and let our claims agents do the heavy lifting for you.
- How Can We Help You?
Fill out the form at the top of this page or call us for help at: 855-688-9653.